Saturday, July 11, 2009

No rest for the wicked.

It has been way too long since my last post. I know I promised more bathroom travesty story's. I have been very busy job hunting. I have been offered every position I have interview for but alas I could not except the positions, for lack of pay and very shitty hours. I do have a interview with a credit union on Monday. I'm sure I will slam dunk it. Then I will get to work with my cousin (otherhalfness)! We will be in different departments so it will work out well.

Bobby started Daycare a few weeks ago and he LOVES it. His favorite teacher is Miss Allie. Shes the only one I like too. The others are great but I think there is something lacking in there personality's, though they are super chipper like they have been snorting caffeine...there is just something odd with the others, I can't quite place it. In the end it comes down to trust, and I do trust them.

I end this post with an SOS...I miss you Jennifer! I know you are busy and you have your own life, but please I cannot live without your undeniable logic, and mothering skills. I love you I miss you. Please call me.


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