Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A small recant

As the title says above I must make a slight recant. About who you ask? As much as I hate to say it Mr. Russel Brand, is hilarious! I just watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall last night and hot damn I was laughing my ass off the whole way through, mostly impart to Russel Brand, don't get me wrong, the man still looks a fool in those tight pants and he needs to lay off American politics. So with that I give Russel a big fat kudos in his wonderful part in FSM!

As you can tell I have not blogged for the better part of 3 months, sorry, no excuse other than plain laziness. I will try to have a wonderful rant everyday from now on!! Big news to come!! Next blog though...kisses


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

cute cute cute!

Could this baby be ANY cuter?? I think not!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Back to work for me...

ugh...as much as I hate to admit it I am totally stoked to go back to work! Everyday with little James has been an blessing and a joy but aside from Big James not being able to work part time at his second job, due to the holes cutting all partimers...I feel that it is the best time for James to start interacting with other children (he hasn't thus far) and will help with his verbal skills..etc. It will also help me get out and about a little more, I'm kinda nervous though, it has been over a year since i have worked, finding a job will be easy enough, I've never had a problem with that. I have only been on 4 job interviews and have been offered each job on the spot...cause I'm bad ass like that! I'm hoping to get a Mon-Fri job so I can spend time with my family consistently.

I still need to pick out a daycare for little James, I'm so worried about finding a good one. All the nasty things I hear on the news about day cares and such makes me petrified about sending him to one. I just hope I don't have to bust a cap in someones ass if they ever lay a hand on my baby boy!! Maybe I should just warn them out right about the shit storm the will have to endure if they hurt my little James....Anyways wish me luck in my venture to find a job and a daycare!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Starting another blog!

Look out blog world! I'm starting another one! I go from never writing anything to having two blogs. Your probably wondering why...well I have been looking at the other blogs of Mommy's and I want to do one too! I have the cutest little man ever...so why not!! I'm sure everyone will enjoy reading about his shenanigans! So this new blog will be up within the next few days. Keep on the look out for it! There may even be a third one...but that will be a total surprise and will take some collaboration on another persons part...anyway...I really don't have any rants today, even thought I was out of the house for most of the day. Hm mm let me think...I went to Target and Walmart yesterday i bought little James Halloween costume...hes gonna be a dragon, so super cute! Walmart was seemingly uneventful, I think a gang member was on the other side of his territory cause he was getting ruffed up in the toilet paper isle...security was stepping in when I walked by. All I could here was one of the guys yelling "I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME UP OVER HERE NO MORE!!" damn, if that was the case he was either talking about coming into the Walmart or this side of town, But if it was this particular walmart that he was supposed to stay out of...there is like 3 more within 4blocks...hm mm not sure. It was slightly amusing but I remembered to buy toilet paper which i otherwise would have forgotten had the altercation not occurred. That's all for now...keep an eye out for my new blog!! Much love and peaches

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Movies, Face lifts and bad perfume

Tonight I went to the movies with my other halfness (my cousin) Whitney, to see The Woman, a remake of a 1930's movie. It was great, really funny. The only thing that I did not enjoy had nothing to do with the movie itself. It was the multitude of botox, face lifts and collagen just assaulting my eyes one after the other!! Meg Ryan looks like a starting version of the cat lady...icky!! All the botox left her emotions coming across all wrong like when she would smile she looked more like she was snarling! Over all I think Annette Benning, Deborah Messing and Jada Pinkett Smith stole the show!

You are all probably wondering where the bad perfume comes in....well the movie theater turned into a large hen house...so Whitney and I were being assaulted on all sides with many different perfumes, the worst of them being right next to Whit...maybe the lady was wearing "chanel number shit" (hahhaha one liner from the movie). I just don't understand how women can pile onthat shit! don't get me wrong...i do love a good smelling perfume, like Prada Milano....that stuff smells so yummy...not like you have a flower store parked on your back!!!
Anyway, when we got back home we watched Vantage Point, it was decent, just have to get past the first part. It seemed really short.

One more rant, then I'm gonna pack it in for the night...

After the movie I went to the restroom...walked in to the bathroom, there was no available stalls but I was first in line....or so I thought!!! Two stalls became available, the two ladies (or should I say assholes) behind me practically knocked me down and take the two stalls!!! I was thinking "NO THEM BITCHES DIDN'T!!" But the sad sad reality is that they did!!! Where has the bathroom etiquette gone?? Apparently out the window! HA HA Oh well I think one of them had shit splatter on there toilet cause I happened to get the stall next to one of the line cutting ladies..she was saying eww about something!! KARMA bitches!! boo ya!!

Later peoples and remember DON'T CUT IN LINE cause you might just get the toilet with the shit splatter!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


YO! YO! YO! What is up homeys!!! I just want to tell this little story before I hit the sack.

I was doing my workout video (still trying to get rid of the stubborn baby weight) totally uncoordinated I might add. Don't get me wrong I can dance but when it comes to doing a series of moves I look like a flailing monkey on crack! Anyway...So there I am doing my workout video and i hear my son...James(15 months) giggling...so I turn around and he is watching me....okay now the pressures on...i cant look like a total goof. So the workout I was doing was only 20 min. at the end he starts clapping and giggling..I guess I put on a good show for him!! But this is why I have, with out a doubt the absolutely cutest baby boy ever in this world!! Seriously the best ever and not only because he claps and cheers me on when I look like a total nerd but because from the day he was born he has been a joy, and angel, the best gift god has ever given me. He makes me so happy. Even when he has those gag worthy diapers, he always gives me the biggest smile and says "Yea! Yea! Yea!" with every nod of his head, and it makes it totally worth it!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Gooooooooooooooooood Morning everyone! I am on fire with this blog thing I'm already back on here!! So a few things that I would like to cover today, it might be in separate postings. So first on the list...douche bag extraordinaire Russel Brand!! He was the host for the 25Th VMAs on MTV. Wow what can I say other that What a douche!! I watched the entire thing start to finish...It was like watching a train wreck live! He starts off with the whole vote for obama bit...does he really think that we AMERICA would listen to a damn thing that he has to say?! Don't get me wrong I love the Brits but there is a reason we broke away from them all those years ago...ANYWAY...Did you check alode of those pants he was wearing?? WOW they were so tight that I seriously was questioning his manliness, he must have been tucking something fierce cause there was not even a bulge! That brings up a side rant! What is up with dudes trying to rock the tight pants???!!! Every time I see a MAN wearing pantie-hose Esq tight pants its like there trying to get a message across...."I'M A PUSSY!! A BIG FAT PUSSY!!!" Okay enough of that, the tight pants AND Douche bag extraordinaire Russel Brand...We Will cover more rant worthy topics later

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It came in an email one night...

So, first of all I have never even thought about blogging until I received an email from my bro-in-law Robby. (Which came like 20 min ago haha)It said they were starting a blog, my first thought was "FUN!" then "I WANNA" but then came the predictable "eh, maybe later" But fate had its way when I had to create an account in order to leave a comment. I didn't find this out until I have already written my comment, so I said "what the heck! " "Lets take the dive and get some of those creative juices going!"

Now I'm here starting this blog, I guess it really was fate nudging me in a way. To let people see that side of me that rarely gets an outlet. I have always done things my own way, so maybe this will be a good place for me to explain things I have always wanted to, but always have had the ever elusive mouth diarrhea and never really said what I wanted. this blog will be random! I warn you now I can rant for days and days about how the kids in the Trix's commercials need to stop being assholes and give the rabbit his damn Trix!!! I also like to rant about politics and anything that catches my goat the wrong...or right way!! Oh and I have a potty mouth..as my mother says, or a drunken sailor as my cousin says.

Happy reading and if I offend you or make you laugh...let me know...cause I have veto power with the comments so let me know how you really feel.