Sunday, September 14, 2008

Movies, Face lifts and bad perfume

Tonight I went to the movies with my other halfness (my cousin) Whitney, to see The Woman, a remake of a 1930's movie. It was great, really funny. The only thing that I did not enjoy had nothing to do with the movie itself. It was the multitude of botox, face lifts and collagen just assaulting my eyes one after the other!! Meg Ryan looks like a starting version of the cat lady...icky!! All the botox left her emotions coming across all wrong like when she would smile she looked more like she was snarling! Over all I think Annette Benning, Deborah Messing and Jada Pinkett Smith stole the show!

You are all probably wondering where the bad perfume comes in....well the movie theater turned into a large hen Whitney and I were being assaulted on all sides with many different perfumes, the worst of them being right next to Whit...maybe the lady was wearing "chanel number shit" (hahhaha one liner from the movie). I just don't understand how women can pile onthat shit! don't get me wrong...i do love a good smelling perfume, like Prada Milano....that stuff smells so yummy...not like you have a flower store parked on your back!!!
Anyway, when we got back home we watched Vantage Point, it was decent, just have to get past the first part. It seemed really short.

One more rant, then I'm gonna pack it in for the night...

After the movie I went to the restroom...walked in to the bathroom, there was no available stalls but I was first in line....or so I thought!!! Two stalls became available, the two ladies (or should I say assholes) behind me practically knocked me down and take the two stalls!!! I was thinking "NO THEM BITCHES DIDN'T!!" But the sad sad reality is that they did!!! Where has the bathroom etiquette gone?? Apparently out the window! HA HA Oh well I think one of them had shit splatter on there toilet cause I happened to get the stall next to one of the line cutting ladies..she was saying eww about something!! KARMA bitches!! boo ya!!

Later peoples and remember DON'T CUT IN LINE cause you might just get the toilet with the shit splatter!!

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